SWAP Vision Statement
The Solid Waste Alternatives Program (SWAP) nurtures environmental stewardship of Lopez Island and San Juan County through support of the Lopez Solid Waste Disposal District and other Lopez-based programs that foster responsible waste management practices.
About SWAP
"SWAP is a non-profit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization dedicated to providing financial and promotional support to LSWDD and waste reduction efforts across Lopez Island.
SWAP provides support for:
* LSWDD volunteers
* Funding LSWDD equipment and site management needs
* The LSWDD Levy process
* The Great Island Clean Up and other community based environmental initiatives
SWAP was fundamental in the formation of LSWDD. In December 2011 concerned Lopez residents were seeking a local option in response to the planned phase-out of County involvement in solid waste management, SWAP initiated a community survey about service needs and organized community meetings to identify scenarios for a locally controlled solid waste and recycling program.
2023 is the 10 year anniversary of the opening of the dump. As our Island community has expanded it has continued to provide exemplary services to Lopez Island becoming a model for other communities in responsible waste management practices. SWAP fundraising provides vital support to LSWDD and shows the staff and management how much we love and appreciate their services.
Contributing to SWAP
SWAP is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) charitable organization. To contribute to SWAP, send your check made out to “SWAP” to P.O. Box 457, Lopez Island, WA 98261. SWAP will send a receipt acknowledging your contribution to keep with your tax records. Or use the donate button!