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Mike Moore Wins First Annual "Golden Grabbers" Zero Waste Hero Award
When driving down Lopez roads, it is common to see a bearded man in a baseball hat alongside the road with a bag in hand picking up...

Fashion Fridays!
Ok friends-- we are starting some FUN to get is through this rough, dark, lonely winter! Get ready for Fashion Fridays! Here is how it...

Please bring your old Newspapers to the Recycle Plaza
LSWDD would like to encourage Lopezians to package their old newspapers in paper grocery sacks and place them in the reuse cabinet in the...

TIOLI Reopening Updates!
Beginning in October, the Take It or Leave It (TIOLI) reopened for donations by appointment and for weekend shopping. The process has...

TIOLI Reopening in October!
Lopez Solid Waste Disposal District (LSWDD) continues to adapt to the ever-changing landscape that is life in the year 2020. After six...

Local candles made from recyclable bottles from LSWDD!
BlueSnake CandleCo. is a Lopez Island small business focused on the creation of conscious, sustainable, functional and artistic firelight...

Household Hazardous Waste, Sept 27
The Household Hazardous Waste Round-Up on Lopez is scheduled for Sunday, September 27, 2020, 11 am - 2 pm and will be held at Public...

TIOLI Reopening Delayed until Phase 3
TIOLI Reopening has been delayed until the county is approved to move into Phase 3. Since we do not know when that is, we have delayed...

Take It or Leave It to Reopen Soon
Take It Or Leave It (TIOLI) Opening Soon With Changes The Lopez Take It or Leave It (TIOLI) is a legacy that Neil Hansen established for...

Lopez Free Pile Tour Map!
Here is the link to the google map of all 70 pins of Free Piles all over Lopez Island! Tour begins Saturday, June 27 at 8 am and goes...

SWAP Scholarship Recipients Announced
SWAP awards the Sarah Eppenbach Scholarship of $500.00 towards higher education to a graduating high school senior. Applicants need to...

Free Pile Tour of Lopez, June 27-28
The Take It or Leave It (TIOLI) has been closed for nearly three months and LSWDD estimates there are 40-70 TONS of donations just on...

Summer Hours Begin 5/29/2020
Summer Hours begin Friday May 29, 2020 We will be open 11-4 pm Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. We hope to reopen Take It or Leave It...

How to reduce your waste impact during COVID-19 times
In 2018 members of the Marine Resources Committee, Friends of the San Juans, San Juan County Solid Waste, the Lopez Solid Waste District...

Art Making for Kids Online Continues!
Now every Tuesday and Thursday for all of April and May 2020, join Nikyta and LSWDD to have an hour of creative power! We will be making...

Creative Vision Salons on Zoom!
2020: Year of Vision When we titled the year, we had no idea that our vision would bring us closer in and further out that ever...

Recycled Craft Fun!!
Recycling Craft Fun with Nikyta and LSWDD As households are pivoting to homeschooling and zoom schooling, LSWDD has been thinking of...

On Site Changes at LSWDD for Covid 19
On site changes at LSWDD as precautionary measures for Covid-19: Changes to drive up window: -Two Lanes: To reduce person to person...

Help us REDUCE Covid-19 On Site at LSWDD
LSWDD is introducing 3 new ways to REDUCE the spread of Covid-19 on our site. Please help us! REDUCE TRIPS – recycle & trash disposal in...

TIOLI CLosure, Covid-19, and helpful suggestions
Lopez Solid Waste Disposal District (LSWDD) is committed to community health and well-being; thus, in response to the novel coronavirus...
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