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Vision Board Making on Saturday January 11th at 12pm
The arrival of a new year marks a special time for setting intentions for the year to come. Since this year is 2020, it’s an especially...

Greetings from the SWAP crew!
We continue our challenge to move towards less waste, more reuse, more recycling, and less dependency on plastics. We need your help to...

"Reunion", Saturday, Oct 26th 2-4:30 pm, beginning at Lopez Library
Join us to practice speaking Spanish at LSWDD!

Join the Youth Led Climate Strike!
On Friday, September 20th at 4 pm, Lopez Island will join 150 countries around the world for the Global Climate Strike. Come join youth,...

Fall Great Islands Clean Up & National Public Lands Day
To register to help clean beaches and roadsides, please email Nikyta at to organize a team. Registration will...

Lopez Sustainable Fashion Show 2019
Summer has always been a time for a focus on fashion on Lopez Island. Many Lopezians fondly remember SWAP’s sold out Trashion Fashion...
2019 Household Hazardous Waste Roundup
Where: LSWDD When: June 22nd, 2019; 11am-2pm More info below and at, or by calling San...
Summer Hours begin 5/31, 11 am - 4 pm
Summer hours begin next Friday, May 31: 11-4 pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Mondays trash & recycling only: 11-4 pm

Free Upcycled Flower Pots Sat, May 25 at 2 pm, Lopez Library
Year of Reuse Programs This month's Year of Reuse program at the Lopez Library will be a hands-on afternoon of up-cycling. Be inspired to...

LSWDD is hiring!
We're hiring a new District Manager and an Assistant Facility Manager. Join our amazing team and organization. Competitive pay and...

Lopez's Trash Mermaid made from Great Islands Clean Up litter!
Twice a year there is an islands wide Great Islands Clean Up. Lopez has participated for the last five years, and this year we added a...

Tool Lending Library Survey!
Take the survey to give your input for the Lopez Island Tool Lending Library (LITLL) here:

Closing Party for 2018's Year to Zero Waste!
THANK YOU so much for 2018's incredible Year to Zero Waste! Your zero waste challenges resulted in articulate and engaging blog posts...

3D Printing Community Class
Hello makers! Are you curious about 3D printing, have prints you want to make, or just see it all happen in person? Well then come on...

LSWDD featured in Plastics Free Salish Sea Video
Documentary film maker Carl Davis volunteered his time to make this beautiful mini documentary about a Plastic Free Salish Sea. It...

Winter Volunteer Appreciation Party!
Come out on Thursday, December 13 from 6-8 pm to Grace Hall for our annual LSWDD Volunteer Appreciation party! It's a sweet or savory...

Shaw School's Amazing Video Thank You Card
LSWDD had the privledelge to give a site tour to students and teachers from Shaw Island. Here is the fantastic video thank you card of...

ZERO WASTE BLOG #2: MEDITATIONS ON PLASTIC Monitoring our garbage disposal during this month made it pretty clear that plastic is our...

Recycle Dogs for Lopez Dump
Let’s hear it for the Recycle Dogs who wrestle up savings for Lopez residents! Put on your work gloves, ear protection and safety glasses...

Free Repair Cafe on Monday, Nov. 12!
Lopezians, LSWDD is hosting a *free* repair cafe at Grace Hall on Monday, Nov 12 from 1 -4 pm. This is where you can bring in items that...
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