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2019 Household Hazardous Waste Roundup


Updated: Jun 2, 2019

Where: LSWDD

When: June 22nd, 2019; 11am-2pm

More info below and at, or by calling San Juan County Public Works office at 360-370-0534.

What is Household Hazardous Waste

Household hazardous wastes (HHW) can come in the form of liquids, solids, or contained gases. They are often ordinary commercial products, like cleaning fluids or pesticides. They should not be thrown in the trash or poured down the drain or on the ground. Island drinking water is particularly susceptible to contamination by discarded waste.

San Juan County and the Washington Department of Ecology conduct annual Hazardous Waste Round-Ups to remove these toxic materials from our islands and maintain a healthy environment. The roundup events, individual households and businesses deliver their collected hazardous materials, where they are received and securely packaged by trained professionals, then barged to the mainland and taken to specialized disposal facilities. Collections of hazardous materials are prohibited on Washington State ferries and at terminals.

Accepted Items

Oil-based paints/stains/wood preservativesGasoline, kerosene, diesel, alcoholsAuto/boat repair productsChemical cleaning supplies/solvents/thinnersAerosols/adhesivesUsed motor oil and antifreezePesticides/herbicidesLead batteries


There is no charge for households participating with up to 25 gallons (or the equivalent) of household hazardous waste.


Local businesses that generate only small quantities of hazardous waste (SQG's) participate in the round-up events at a a much lower cost than if they were to individually manage their own hazardous or moderate risk wastes. SQG businesses before the round-up event. A form is placed in the What's New box at the top of this page.

Call the County Public Works office at 360-370-0534 if you have any questions.


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