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Board Members Visit Skagit River Steel & Recycling

Sarah Reeves

This month, two of Lopez Solid Waste's board members took a field trip to Burlington to visit Skagit River Steel & Recycling — the facility that processes a majority of our community's recyclables.

Gene Helfman and John Trench, who are both dedicated recycling volunteers at the Dump, met with Skagit River Steel's General Manager Todd Reynolds, who gave them a full tour while they asked lots of questions about where our garbage really goes.

"The result of [our] meticulous parceling of waste is gratifying. Skagit River Steel recycles over 99% by weight of deposited materials, less than 1% eventually entering the waste stream!" Gene reported. "Reynolds was very complimentary of Lopez efforts at recycling, emphasizing that deliveries from Lopez are exceptionally free of contamination."

Read their full report, published this week in Islands' Weekly: "Where does it go when it goes 'away.'"


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