THANK YOU so much for 2018's incredible Year to Zero Waste! Your zero waste challenges resulted in articulate and engaging blog posts (https://www.lopezsolidwaste.org/news-info/categories/zero-waste-challenge). In these posts we learned how to compost with Liz, Teri and Ashi. We learned that old recyclers *can* be taught new tricks from Scott and Ande. Liz and Kim gave us a peek into their incredible repurposed household and Jessica and Joel taught us about the value of repair, just to name a few examples.
Y2Z got folks both excited and mobilized to make change and because of your participation, so many community based waste reducing innovations have become part of Lopez Island life. So to share these awesome waste reducing new happenings on our island and to celebrate *you* we are having a
Y2Z Closing Party on Thursday, Feb 28th from
5-6:30 in the Lopez Library Conference Room (where it all began).
There will be tea and treats and SO MANY great innovations to share, as well as information about what we learned was a great step to reduce waste: Reuse! So we have declared
2019: The Year of Reuse! Come learn about what we have in store for 2019 including more Repair/Fix it Cafes, a new Tool Lending Library, Lopez Trashion Fashion costumes going on the road to other local Trashion Fashion shows, and much much more! Hope to see you there and thank you again for a fabulous Year to Zero Waste!