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Join the Youth Led Climate Strike!


On Friday, September 20th at 4 pm, Lopez Island will join 150 countries around the world for the Global Climate Strike. Come join youth, Lopez students and adults on the green behind Blossom Grocery for a march through the Village.

Lopezians are encouraged to come join this movement by creating signs, festooning bicycles, decorating electric and hybrid vehicles and joining the march which begins behind Blossom Grocery. The route will follow Fisherman Bay Road, turn left at Week’s Road, march past the post office, and turn left on Lopez Road to go through the village. Then a right on Fisherman Bay Road past the Library and Fire Station and to the Dump. Then it will march back to Blossom on Fisherman Bay Road. Please join us for this powerful statement that it is time to prioritize the planet.

For more information on the climate strike go to, and for questions pertaining to the Lopez March please email Nikyta at

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