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"Reunion", Saturday, Oct 26th 2-4:30 pm, beginning at Lopez Library


New! An event to practice speaking Spanish/English at LSWDD!

¡Nuevo! ¡Una reunión para practicar hablar español e inglés con LSWDD!

This exciting event is a collaboration with the Lopez Library, LSWDD, and Spanish teacher, Claudio Pellegrino and his family.

Please bring a sweet or savory finger food that is a favorite in your family and meet us at the Lopez Library's meeting room. We will pair folks who want to practice their Spanish with folks who want to practice their English and walk to the Dump for a fun and interactive tour. Ever wondered how to say cardboard? Or glass? Or other site specific words? This is your chance to practice speaking with generous, kindhearted community members interested in helping bridge the language barrier on both sides. After some fun and games, we will walk back to the Library to continue the conversation around everyone's favorite topic: food!

For those Lopezians who spend many winter months in Mexico or other warm Spanish speaking countries, this is a great time to warm up your language skills while building community right here at home!

It is also a wonderful opportunity to invite deepening relationships and friendships with Spanish speaking Lopezians who are working on their English skills.

All ages and levels welcome!

For more information contact Nikyta at


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