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Free Recycling

Save money and help reduce waste by recycling these paper, plastic, glass, and metal items — instead of sending them to the landfill!

Mixed Paper

  • YES clean and dry paper, newsprint, books, magazines, envelopes, egg cartons, paper bags, and paper packaging, i.e. cereal boxes.

  • YES shredded paper — must be contained in a paper bag and securely stapled or taped shut.

  • NO plastic or plastic-lined paper products. NO paper contaminated with food, grease, dirt, or oil. NO cartons or cups intended to hold liquid. 

Corrugated Cardboard

  • YES clean corrugated cardboard. Important: Corrugated cardboard has a wavy middle layer.
    If the item doesn't have a wavy middle layer,
    it goes in Mixed Paper recycling.

  • NO waxed, dirty, greasy, food-contaminated, or stained cardboard.

Plastic Bottles

Important: Only items with threaded tops are accepted for recycling (i.e. bottles, tubs, jugs). All must be clean & empty. NO hazardous waste containers, even if clean & empty. NO caps or lids. 

  • YES #1 (PET) clear & lightly tinted plastic bottles & jugs. NO dark-tinted bottles. NO prescription bottles.

  • YES #2 (HDPE) cloudy plastic bottles & jugs, like plastic milk jugs. 

  • YES #2 (HDPE) solid white & color bottles & jugs.

  • NO hazardous or toxic material containers, even if they are empty/clean. This includes motor oil and antifreeze containers, and some lawn and garden products.

Lopez Solid Waste cannot recycle:

  • Plastic bags or plastic film

  • Plastic clamshells or other plastic packaging

  • #3-7 mixed plastics

  • #1 & #2 plastics that don't meet the above criteria

  • Vinyl plastic bags or Visqueen

  • Bubble wrap — Reusable bubble wrap may be accepted as capacity allows. 

  • Lumber wrap

  • Plastic bags or other containers for feed, compost, fertilizer, or hazardous materials

  • Woven plastic



  • YES glass bottles & jars, clean & empty.

  • NO lids, corks, or tops.

  • NO PYREX or glass dishes.

  • NO windows, mirrors, plate glass, light bulbs, ceramics, or drinking glasses.​ 

  • If you have spent fluorescent light bulbs, notify the kiosk attendant upon arrival and follow instructions. 


Note: While LSWDD accepts clean, self-sorted glass at no cost, the glass is not recycled — it is deposited in a gravel pit on-island as reclamation to refill the pit (inert landfill).

Metal ​

  • YES clean aluminum cans and lids. NO aerosol or pressurized aluminum containers. 

  • YES clean and flattened aluminum foil, trays, and pans. NO colored foil or peel-off container lids.

  • YES steel cans and lids. NO aerosol or pressurized steel containers.

  • YES pure scrap steel and iron.

  • YES pure scrap aluminum, brass, copper, bronze, and stainless steel (sorted into the proper bins).

  • YES electrical wire — insulated, bare copper, or aluminum.

  • YES mixed steel — household appliances and items that are 50% or more steel/iron. Small items with limited rust are accepted at no charge. See fees for large items. 


Automotive Fluids, Oil, & Petroleum-Based Products

Customers may bring up to 5 gallons per day of the following clean, uncontaminated fluids:

  • Motor oil

  • Hydraulic fluid 

  • Transmission fluid

  • Diesel fuel

  • Antifreeze/coolant — Recycled in a separate container on-site. Do not mix with oils and other fluids.

  • NO fluids contaminated with water, coolant/anti-freeze, or fuel.

  • NO cooking oil.

  • Empty containers cannot be recycled, even if clean. Include empty containers and filters with your regular garbage.



Important fire safety information: Individually package batteries in plastic bags or tape positive terminals with non-conducive tape to prevent fire hazards.

  • NO damaged or defective batteries.

  • NO batteries over 11 lbs or 300 watt hours (except car batteries)

  • YES lithium ion, nickel cadmium, nickel metal hydride, nickel zinc, and small sealed lead acid rechargeable batteries. 

  • YES lithium primary, carbon zinc, alkaline, button cell, and coin cell single-use batteries — positive terminals MUST BE taped with non-conducive tape.

  • YES cell phone batteries.

  • YES car batteries.


Personal Electronics

Take It or Leave It (TIOLI)

TIOLI is a free, on-site exchange of clean, gently used and fully functioning reusable items. Learn more about TIOLI.

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